Transcribing and Editing
The following instructions apply to transcriptions of news reports
in the Wilde Trials International News Archive.
Use the following template for transcribing news reports.
<meta name="" content="YYYY-MM-DD"/>
<meta name="dc.language" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.publisher" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.region" content=""/>
<meta name="" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.database" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.facsimile" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.url" content=""/>
<div id="original" lang="">
<p class="heading">LINE 1<br/>
LINE 2</p>
<p>This is a complete paragraph as [...] in a report.</p>
<p class="signature">AUTHOR</p>
<meta name="" content="YYYY-MM-DD"/>
<meta name="dc.language" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.publisher" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.region" content=""/>
<meta name="" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.database" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.facsimile" content=""/>
<meta name="dc.source.url" content=""/>
<div id="original" lang="">
<p class="heading">LINE 1<br/>
LINE 2</p>
<p>This is a complete paragraph as [...] in a report.</p>
<p class="signature">AUTHOR</p>
Enter the following metadata fields for each news report,
following Dublin Core Standards.
dc.dateis the date the report was published. It must be formatted as shown.
dc.languageis the ISO code for the language of the report. It must be one of the following values. Additional language support can be added if necessary.
dc.publisheris the title of the newspaper.
dc.regionis the country or other national entity where the report was published. Examples include France, Australia, Britain (not "British", not "England"), and Canada.
dc.region.cityis the city where the newspaper was published
dc.source.databaseis the database source for the report.
dc.source.institutionis the institutional source for the report.
dc.source.facsimileis the facsimile page of the report.
dc.source.urlis the url for the digital newspaper or for the institutional catalogue that holds the original print copies.
Enter the text of the news report within
body tags.
The body of each news report must include
div id="original" lang=""
and a corresponding /div tag. The
value of the
langattribute must match the
contentof the
dc.languagemeta tag.
The content includes automatically generated translations of
non-English reports. We also use div
tags to distinguish the original and translated content.
Headlines & Signatures & Omitted Text
Headlines are marked up in paragraph tags
(p>...</p) with the class set
to "heading". Normal paragraphs do not include a
Some news reports are signed. Those signatures are marked up in
a paragraph with the class set to "signature".
In cases where there is one news column, but many different
reports, you should just transcribe the reports related to the
Wilde trials. Only use
p class='omitted'></p to
indicate if there is text that you have not excerpted in the
middle of the selected news report. We are NO LONGER using [...]
at the beginning and/or the ending of the report to show omitted
The only classes allowed on paragraph tags are
signature, and
Preserve the paragraph breaks of the original news report.
Line breaks (br/) can be used
inside paragraphs. They cannot be used outside of paragraphs or
anywhere else.
There is no need to respect the line breaks of the original
news report, except in the case of headlines and short letters,
telegrams or lines of poetry/literature. The new line should begin
with a break: (br/)
For long letters, passages from literature, or testimony use
paragraph breaks with paragraph tags:
Use Unicode (UTF-8) consistently on all files to ensure the
accented characters are encoded correctly.
Transcribe everything in the news report, even if misspelled.
Preserve original capitalization and punctuation. Note that it is
not required to format italics or font changes, but text may be
marked up as italicized
(i>...</i) or bolded
Use the M dash for dashes.
For English-language newspapers, use straight quotation marks
(" "). For French-language newspapers, use guillemets («
»). For German-language newspapers, use („ “). For Spanish and
Italian-language newspapers, follow the practice of the
newspapers, which may use quotation marks or guillemets.
For ampersands (&) in an xml document, including in a URL,
type "&"
Omitted/Unreadable Text
Any text that is unreadable in the original report is indicated
with square brackets and three periods:
[...]. Spaces are not allowed inside the square brackets or between the periods.