att.docStatus provides attributes for use on metadata elements describing the status of a document.
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||
Members | biblStruct change msDesc revisionDesc | ||||||||||||||
Attributes | Attributes
Examples |
<revisionDesc status="published"> <change when="2010-10-21" status="published"/> <change when="2010-10-02" status="cleared"/> <change when="2010-08-02" status="embargoed"/> <change when="2010-05-01" status="frozen" who="#MSM"/> <change when="2010-03-01" status="draft" who="#LB"/> </revisionDesc> |
Source | Github
<classSpec rend="change" module="tei" type="atts" ident="att.docStatus"> <desc>provides attributes for use on metadata elements describing the status of a document.</desc> <classes/> <attList> <attDef ident="docStatus" usage="opt"> <desc>describes the status of the transcription at the time indicated.</desc> <valList type="closed" mode="add"> <valItem ident="empty" mode="add"> <desc>transcription empty</desc> <gloss>empty / not yet worked on or edited</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="uneditedTranscription" mode="add"> <desc>Converted and unedited transcription</desc> <gloss>The transcription has been converted from a word doc (or similar) and has yet to be edited.</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="uneditedHTR" mode="add"> <desc>HTR transcription unedited</desc> <gloss>transcription has not yet been edited from the conversion from Transkribus</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="inProgress" mode="add"> <desc>transcription in progress</desc> <gloss>currently being worked on, but not yet "done"</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="readyForProof" mode="add"> <desc>transcription ready for proof</desc> <gloss>corrected and encoded, and is now ready to be proofed</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="proofed" mode="add"> <desc>transcription proofed</desc> <gloss>proofed and checked</gloss> </valItem> </valList> </attDef> <attDef ident="metaStatus" usage="opt"> <desc>describes the status of the metadata for a document at the time indicated.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.word"/> </datatype> <valList type="closed" mode="add"> <valItem ident="empty" mode="add"> <desc>metadata empty</desc> <gloss>empty / not yet worked on or edited</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="inProgress" mode="add"> <desc>metadata in progress</desc> <gloss>currently being worked on, but not yet "done"</gloss> </valItem> <valItem ident="done" mode="add"> <desc>metadata done</desc> <gloss>Metadata work is completed</gloss> </valItem> </valList> </attDef> </attList> </classSpec> |