Encoding Dates and Times
This document describes the protocol for encoding dates and times
within transcriptions.
Note that you should only encode
real dates and
real times; in other words, we are
interested in identifying specific points in time and not broad or
general references to time.
Use the date element to encode
dates; the date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) should be encoded using the
when attribute:
I was in Switzerland in the year
<lb/><date when="1734">1734</date>.
Tag only the minimum information necessary for the date. For
instance, in the following dateline,
you would only encode the "Augt 18th, 1746" part of the
date, even though there is additional information:
Upon Tower-hill, Monday, <date when="1746-08-18">Augt
<lb/>18th, 1746</date>. in the 58th year
<lb/>of his Age.</dateline>
For a date range, use the from and
to attributes:
I travelled to Geneva from <date from="1746-08-18" to="1746-09-03">August 18, 1746 to September 3</date>
For uncertain date ranges, use the
notBefore and
notAfter attributes (NB: this isn't very
common within text transcriptions, but is frequently necessary for
person record when describing dates of birth or residence).
Times follow similar rules to dates: encode the time using the
time element.
Each time must contain a when attribute
that specifies the time in the 24 hour clock in the format HH:MM:SS
(i.e. 4:15pm would be encoded as 16:15:00). For example:
About <time when="11:00:00">eleven o’Clock</time> He ordered them
<lb/>to refresh themselves by Sleep
Each time must include hours, minutes, and seconds (even though
it will be rare for seconds to be specified in the text).
When both a time and date are combined, use the
date element to encode the entire
phrase and tag the
<time> within the date:
About <date when="1746-04-16"><time when="02:00:00">2 o’Clock of the <w>Morn<pc force="weak">-</pc>
<lb/>ing</w></time> of the 16<hi rendition="rnd:underlined">th</hi></date>