
teidata.point defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.
Module tei
Used by

<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="400" lry="280">
<zone points="220,100 300,210 170,250 123,234">
<graphic url="handwriting.png"/>
A point is defined by two numeric values, which should be expressed as decimal numbers. Neither number can end in a decimal point. E.g., both 0.0,84.2 and 0,84 are allowed, but 0.,84. is not.
Source Github

<dataSpec module="tei" ident="teidata.point">
<desc>defines the data type used to express a point in cartesian space.</desc>
<dataRef name="token" restriction="(-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?,-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)"/>