Tagging People, Places, etc in Transcriptions

People, places, and other named entities are tagged in a similar fashion: each name is tagged using a distinguishing tag with an ref attribute that points to the associated id. They also share a set of common rules:
They must not begin or end with spaces
They must use the ref to refer to the entity's record
They can contain phrase- and word-level elements (i.e. choice, add, supplied, etc)
They cannot nest: i.e. do not put a placeName inside of a persName.


To create a New Contributor, right click on the “contributors” folder, and then select “New” and then “File”.
Select the “templates” folder, and then click on “New Team Member/ Contributor Document”. Change the file names to the author’s initials (eg. SJI.xml).
To edit a template, replace the green text (the XML Comment) with your text. For instance, edit the forename, surname and display name.


Direct references to people should be tagged using the persName element that uses the ref attribute to point to the person's id using the special prs: prefix. For instance:

<persName ref="prs:1">Mr. Lyon</persName>
Where prs:1 refers to the person's id in the person database/spreadsheet.
As mentioned above, personal names should include any honourifics or titles, which may be editorially expanded:

<persName ref="prs:1"><choice><abbr>Revt.</abbr><expan>Reverend</expan></choice> Mr. Lyon</persName>
Do not use persName to tag indirect references to people—e.g. The King; His mother; That Guy—as these are not personal names, but references to a person. In these cases, instead of persName, use the rs (referring string) element with type=person alongside the ref attribute that points to the person. For instance:

<rs type="person" ref="prs:3">his mother</rs>
Groups of people that are not organizations (i.e. Parliament) or anonymous groups (the audience) can be tagged as if they are a single person:

<rs type="person" ref="prs:4">Sisters</rs>
The above examples all derive from the first item of vol11_vol1; here is what it looks in its entirety:

<title>Letter from the <persName ref="prs:1"><choice><abbr>Revt.</abbr><expan>Reverend</expan></choice> Mr. <persName>Lyon</persName></persName> to <rs type="person" ref="prs:3">his mother</rs><choice><abbr>+</abbr><expan>and</expan></choice><rs type="person" ref="prs:4">Sisters</rs></title>


See summary below.


