<noteGrp> (note group) contains a group of notes [ Encoding Grouped Notes]
Module | core |
Attributes | Attributes lim.att.boolean (value) att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source)) att.placement (place) att.pointing (target) att.typed (type) att.written (hand) att.anchoring (anchored) |
Member of | |
Contained by |
analysis: w
core: abbr add author bibl biblStruct cit corr date del editor emph expan foreign gloss head hi imprint item l label lg list mentioned name note num orig p pubPlace publisher q quote ref reg resp rs sic term time title unclear
corpus: activity
gaiji: char
namesdates: addName affiliation birth death faith floruit forename genName langKnown location nameLink nationality objectName occupation orgName persName placeName residence roleName settlement sex surname
May contain |
core: note
Examples | In the following example, there are two notes in different languages, each specifying
the content of the annotation relating to the same fragment of text:
<p>(...) tamen reuerendos dominos archiepiscopum et canonicos Leopolienses necnon episcopum in duplicibus Quatuortemporibus <noteGrp> <note xml:lang="en">Quatuor Tempora, so called dry fast days (Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday) falling on each of the quarters of the year. In the first quarter they were called Cinerum (following Ash Wednesday), second Spiritus (following Pentecost), third Crucis (after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, September 14th), and Luciae in the fourth (after the feast of St. Lucia, December 13th). </note> <note xml:lang="pl">Quatuor Tempora, tzw. Suche dni postne (środa, piątek i sobota) przypadające cztery razy w roku. W pierwszym kwartale zwały się Cinerum (po Popielcu), w drugim Spiritus (po Zielonych Świętach), w trzecim Crucis (po święcie Podwyższenia Krzyża 14 września), w czwartym Luciae (po dniu św. Łucji 13 grudnia). </note> </noteGrp> totaliter expediui. </p> |
Source | Github
<elementSpec rend="change" module="core" ident="noteGrp"> <gloss>note group</gloss> <desc>contains a group of notes</desc> <classes> <memberOf key="lim.att.boolean"/> <memberOf key="att.global"/> <memberOf key="model.noteLike"/> <memberOf key="att.placement"/> <memberOf key="att.pointing"/> <memberOf key="att.typed"/> <memberOf key="att.written"/> <memberOf key="att.anchoring"/> <memberOf key="model.correspDescPart"/> <memberOf key="model.correspActionPart"/> <memberOf key="model.correspContextPart"/> </classes> <content> <elementRef key="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </content> <attList/> </elementSpec> |