
<surfaceGrp> (surface group) defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module transcr
Attributes Attributes att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source)) att.typed (type)
Contained by
May contain
Where it is useful or meaningful to do so, any grouping of multiple surface elements may be indicated using the surfaceGrp elements.

<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/>
<surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300">
<graphic url="Bovelles-49v.png"/>
Source Github

<elementSpec ident="surfaceGrp" module="transcr">
<gloss>surface group</gloss>
<desc>defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for
 example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder
 wishes to treat as a single unit.
<memberOf key="att.global"/>
<memberOf key="att.typed"/>
<alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<classRef key="model.global"/>
<elementRef key="surface"/>
<elementRef key="surfaceGrp"/>