
att.editLike provides attributes describing the nature of an encoded scholarly intervention or interpretation of any kind. [3.5. Simple Editorial Changes 10.3.1. Origination 13.3.2. The Person Element Core Elements for Transcriptional Work]
Module tei
Members affiliation birth corr death expan faith floruit gap langKnown location name nationality objectName occupation org orgName origin persName person persona place placeName reg residence unclear
Attributes Attributes
evidence indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the intervention or interpretation.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.enumerated separated by whitespace
Suggested values include:
there is internal evidence to support the intervention.
there is external evidence to support the intervention.
the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or scholar on the basis of their expertise.
The members of this attribute class are typically used to represent any kind of editorial intervention in a text, for example a correction or interpretation, or to date or localize manuscripts etc.
Each pointer on the source (if present) corresponding to a witness or witness group should reference a bibliographic citation such as a witness, msDesc, or bibl element, or another external bibliographic citation, documenting the source concerned.
Source Github

<classSpec rend="change" module="tei" type="atts" ident="att.editLike">
<desc>provides attributes describing the nature of an encoded scholarly intervention or
interpretation of any kind.
<attDef ident="evidence" usage="opt">
<desc>indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the
    intervention or interpretation.
<datatype maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.enumerated"/>
<valList type="semi">
<valItem ident="internal">
<desc>there is internal evidence to support the intervention.</desc>
<valItem ident="external">
<desc>there is external evidence to support the intervention.</desc>
<valItem ident="conjecture">
<desc>the intervention or interpretation has been made by the editor, cataloguer, or
        scholar on the basis of their expertise.