provides attributes used to express correspondence between an element and all or part of a facsimile image or surface. [11.1. Digital Facsimiles]
Module transcr
Members lb pb
Attributes Attributes
facs (facsimile) points to one or more images, portions of an image, or surfaces which correspond to the current element.
Status Optional
Datatype limdata.facs
The facs attribute should contain only a single pointer of the limdata.facs.
Source Github

<classSpec rend="change" predeclare="true" module="transcr" type="atts" ident="">
<desc>provides attributes used to express correspondence between an element and all or part of a facsimile image or surface.</desc>
<attDef ident="facs" usage="opt">
<desc>points to one or more images, portions of an image, or surfaces which correspond to the current element.</desc>
<datatype maxOccurs="1">
<dataRef key="limdata.facs"/>