
<seg> (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module linking
Member of
Contained by
analysis: w
core: choice
May contain
seg is allowed only within a choice (and only when the choice is within a supplied and metamark).

<seg>When are you leaving?</seg>

<seg rend="caps" type="initial-cap">So father's only</seg> glory was the ballfield. </s>

<seg type="preamble">
<seg>Sigmund, <seg type="patronym">the son of Volsung</seg>, was a king in Frankish country.</seg>
<seg>Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons ...</seg>
<seg>Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </seg>

<sch:rule context="tei:choice[tei:seg]">
<sch:assert test="parent::tei:supplied/parent::tei:ellipsis">ERROR: choice/seg is allowed ONLY within a supplied and ellipsis.</sch:assert>
Source Github

<elementSpec rend="change" module="linking" ident="seg">
<gloss>arbitrary segment</gloss>
<desc>represents any segmentation of text below the <soCalled>chunk</soCalled> level.</desc>
<memberOf key="model.choicePart"/>
<macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>