<seg> (arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the chunk level. [16.3. Blocks, Segments, and Anchors 6.2. Components of the Verse Line 7.2.5. Speech Contents]
Module | linking |
Member of | |
Contained by | |
May contain |
core: abbr add bibl biblStruct choice cit date del desc ellipsis emph foreign gap gloss graphic hi l label lb lg list listBibl mentioned milestone name note noteGrp num orig pb ptr q quote ref reg rs sic term time title unclear
gaiji: g
header: idno
lim: noteMarker rule
linking: linkGrp
namesdates: addName affiliation forename genName geo listObject listOrg listPerson listPlace location nameLink objectName orgName persName placeName roleName settlement surname
character data
Note | |
Examples |
<seg>When are you leaving?</seg> <seg>Tomorrow.</seg> <s> <seg rend="caps" type="initial-cap">So father's only</seg> glory was the ballfield. </s> <seg type="preamble"> <seg>Sigmund, <seg type="patronym">the son of Volsung</seg>, was a king in Frankish country.</seg> <seg>Sinfiotli was the eldest of his sons ...</seg> <seg>Borghild, Sigmund's wife, had a brother ... </seg> </seg> |
Schematron |
<sch:pattern> <sch:rule context="tei:choice[tei:seg]"> <sch:assert test="parent::tei:supplied/parent::tei:ellipsis">ERROR: choice/seg is allowed ONLY within a supplied and ellipsis.</sch:assert> </sch:rule> </sch:pattern> |
Source | Github
<elementSpec rend="change" module="linking" ident="seg"> <gloss>arbitrary segment</gloss> <desc>represents any segmentation of text below the <soCalled>chunk</soCalled> level.</desc> <classes> <memberOf key="model.choicePart"/> </classes> <content> <macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/> </content> <attList/> </elementSpec> |