
<metamark> contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document. [ Metamarks]
Module transcr
Attributes Attributes
function describes the function (for example status, insertion, deletion, transposition) of the metamark.
Status Optional
Datatype teidata.word
target identifies one or more elements to which the metamark applies.
Status Optional
Datatype 1–∞ occurrences of teidata.pointer separated by whitespace
Contained by
core: ellipsis
May contain
transcr: space
character data
metamarks should only appear within the ellipsis element and should contain either meaningful text-content or the space element.

<metamark function="used" rend="line" target="#X2"/>
<zone xml:id="zone-X2">
<line>I am that halfgrown <add>angry</add> boy, fallen asleep</line>
<line>The tears of foolish passion yet undried</line>
<line>upon my cheeks.</line>
<!-- ... -->
<line>I pass through <add>the</add> travels and <del>fortunes</del> of
<line>years and become old,</line>
<line>Each in its due order comes and goes,</line>
<line>And thus a message for me comes.</line>
<metamark function="used" target="#zone-X2">Entered - Yes</metamark>
All metamarks should contain actual content or the space element

<sch:rule context="tei:metamark[not(tei:space)]">
<sch:assert test="matches(string(.),'\S')">ERROR: Metamarks must contain either text content or the <space> element.</sch:assert>
Source Github

<elementSpec rend="change" ident="metamark" module="transcr">
<desc>contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal
  within a document the function of which is to determine how it
  should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of
  the document.
<alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<elementRef key="space"/>
<attDef ident="function">
<desc>describes the function (for example  status, insertion,
 deletion, transposition) of the metamark.
<datatype minOccurs="1">
<dataRef key="teidata.word"/>
<attDef ident="target">
<desc>identifies one or more elements to which the metamark applies.</desc>
<datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<dataRef key="teidata.pointer"/>