
<creation> (creation) contains information about the creation of a text. [2.4.1. Creation 2.4. The Profile Description]
Module header
Attributes Attributes att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source)) att.datable (calendar) (att.datable.w3c (when, notBefore, notAfter, from, to)) (att.datable.custom (when-custom, notBefore-custom, notAfter-custom, from-custom, to-custom, datingMethod))
Contained by
lim: limItem
May contain
core: date note
namesdates: placeName
The creation element may be used to record details of a text's creation, e.g. the date and place it was composed, if these are of interest.
It may also contain a more structured account of the various stages or revisions associated with the evolution of a text; this should be encoded using the listChange element. It should not be confused with the publicationStmt element, which records date and place of publication.

<date>Before 1987</date>

<date when="1988-07-10">10 July 1988</date>

<sch:rule context="tei:creation">
<sch:assert test="ancestor::tei:profileDesc/tei:limItem[@type= ('accountNarrative','conversation','misc', 'speech')]">ERROR: The creation element should only be used for account/narratives, conversations, and speeches, since the date/place of the transcription may differ from the setting.</sch:assert>
<sch:assert test="count(tei:*) gt 0">ERROR: The creation element requires at least one of placeName, date, or note.</sch:assert>
Source Github

<elementSpec rend="change" module="header" ident="creation">
<desc>contains information about the creation of a text.</desc>
<memberOf key="att.global"/>
<memberOf key="att.datable"/>
<sequence minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<elementRef key="placeName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<elementRef key="date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<elementRef key="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>