<language> (language) characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text. [2.4.2. Language Usage]
Module | header | ||||||||||||
Attributes | Attributes att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source))
Contained by |
header: langUsage
May contain |
core: abbr choice date ellipsis emph foreign gap gloss hi lb mentioned milestone name note noteGrp num pb ptr q ref rs term time title
figures: figure
header: idno
lim: noteMarker rule
linking: linkGrp
msdescription: locusGrp
namesdates: addName affiliation forename genName geo location nameLink objectName orgName persName placeName roleName settlement surname
character data
Note |
Particularly for sublanguages, an informal prose characterization should be supplied
as content for the element.
Examples |
<langUsage> <language ident="en-US" usage="75">modern American English</language> <language ident="az-Arab" usage="20">Azerbaijani in Arabic script</language> <language ident="x-lap" usage="05">Pig Latin</language> </langUsage> |
Source | Github
<elementSpec module="header" ident="language"> <gloss>language</gloss> <desc>characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text.</desc> <classes> <memberOf key="att.global"/> </classes> <content> <macroRef key="macro.phraseSeq.limited"/> </content> <attList> <attDef ident="ident" usage="req"> <gloss>identifier</gloss> <desc>Supplies a language code constructed as defined in <ref target="https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47">BCP 47</ref> which is used to identify the language documented by this element, and which may be referenced by the global <att>xml:lang</att> attribute.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.language"/> </datatype> </attDef> <attDef ident="usage" usage="opt"> <desc>specifies the approximate percentage of the text which uses this language.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef name="nonNegativeInteger"/> </datatype> </attDef> </attList> </elementSpec> |