att.ranging provides attributes for describing numerical ranges.
Module | tei | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Members | att.dimensions [att.damaged [damage] add del ellipsis floruit gap subst unclear] num | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes | Attributes
Examples |
The MS. was lost in transmission by mail from <del rend="overstrike"> <gap reason="illegible" extent="one or two letters" atLeast="1" atMost="2" unit="chars"/> </del> Philadelphia to the Graphic office, New York. Americares has been supporting the health sector in Eastern Europe since 1986, and since 1992 has provided <measure atLeast="120000000" unit="USD" commodity="currency">more than $120m</measure> in aid to Ukrainians. |
Source | Github
<classSpec module="tei" type="atts" ident="att.ranging"> <desc>provides attributes for describing numerical ranges.</desc> <attList> <attDef ident="atLeast"> <desc>gives a minimum estimated value for the approximate measurement.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.numeric"/> </datatype> </attDef> <attDef ident="atMost"> <desc>gives a maximum estimated value for the approximate measurement.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.numeric"/> </datatype> </attDef> <attDef ident="min"> <desc>where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the minimum value observed.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.numeric"/> </datatype> </attDef> <attDef ident="max"> <desc>where the measurement summarizes more than one observation or a range, supplies the maximum value observed.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.numeric"/> </datatype> </attDef> <attDef ident="confidence"> <desc>specifies the degree of statistical confidence (between zero and one) that a value falls within the range specified by <att>min</att> and <att>max</att>, or the proportion of observed values that fall within that range.</desc> <datatype> <dataRef key="teidata.probability"/> </datatype> </attDef> </attList> </classSpec> |