
<setting> describes one particular setting in which a language interaction takes place. [15.2.3. The Setting Description]
Module corpus
Attributes Attributes att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source)) att.ascribed (who)
Contained by
corpus: settingDesc
May contain
core: date name p time
corpus: activity
linking: ab
If the who attribute is not supplied, the setting is assumed to be that of all participants in the language interaction.

<placeName>New York City, US</placeName>
<locale>on a park bench</locale>
<activity>feeding birds</activity>

<sch:rule context="tei:setting[ancestor::tei:limItem[matches(@type,'speech')]]">
<sch:assert test="tei:scaffold">ERROR: All speeches must have a scaffold element.</sch:assert>
Source Github

<elementSpec rend="change" module="corpus" ident="setting">
<desc>describes one particular setting in which a language
 interaction takes place.
<memberOf key="att.global"/>
<memberOf key="att.ascribed"/>
<alternate minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<classRef key="model.pLike" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<alternate minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<classRef key="model.nameLike.agent"/>
<classRef key="model.dateLike"/>
<classRef key="model.settingPart"/>