
<add> (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector. [3.5.3. Additions, Deletions, and Omissions]
Module core
Attributes Attributes att.written (hand) att.global (xml:id, n, xml:lang) (lim.att.global.fragmentable (part)) (att.global.rendition (rendition)) (att.global.source (source)) att.placement (place) att.typed (type) att.dimensions (unit, quantity, extent, precision, scope) (att.ranging (atLeast, atMost, min, max, confidence))
Member of
Contained by
May contain
In a diplomatic edition attempting to represent an original source, the add element should not be used for additions to the current TEI electronic edition made by editors or encoders. In these cases, either the corr or supplied element are recommended.
In a TEI edition of a historical text with previous editorial emendations in which such additions or reconstructions are considered part of the source text, the use of add may be appropriate, dependent on the editorial philosophy of the project.
The story I am
going to relate is true as to its main facts, and as to the
<add place="above">of these facts</add> from whichthis tale takes its title.
Source Github

<elementSpec rend="change" module="core" ident="add">
<desc>contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source
 text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector.
<memberOf key="att.written"/>
<memberOf key="att.global"/>
<memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
<memberOf key="model.linePart"/>
<memberOf key="att.placement"/>
<memberOf key="att.typed"/>
<memberOf key="att.dimensions"/>
<macroRef key="macro.paraContent"/>